January 13, 2006


I’ve often heard that the people of Mumbai are resourceful. I’ve heard several rags to riches stories of people who have risen due to their ingenuity.

I can recollect two such instances and both with taxi drivers.

The first one was very courteous and dropped us where we wanted and when getting down he told us that he wouldn’t mind waiting for us for an hour to take us back. That was very pleasing. Of course, he wasn’t there when I returned. That was plan B for him – just in case he was not able to get other customers while he waited. I was a bit peeved he wasn’t there but I appreciate him for thinking up of such things. Only Mumbaikars can do this.

The other one was from a taxi driver too. I completed my work and wanted to get home fast. It was just before nightfall.

Since the first driver wasn’t there I had to take another. This one was an old sardarji – a very genial looking person. When I told him the destination, he was hesitating. He had a benign look. He did not want to say no but then he did not want to come either. While he squirmed to take a decision, an equally old man tried to convince him. On the one hand, his friend was trying to convince him to go and on the other hand, here I was putting up a sad looking face cajoling him with my eyes. How can he say ‘No’.

Well, after a minute’s dilemma, he agreed.

I was overjoyed. He would take me after all. Without losing a second, I got into the car. He came around turned on the meter and got into the driver’s seat. He closed the door and started the engine. He shifted gears and we were on the road. A few swishes with the steering and we were leaving other vehicles behind in the highway.

A few minutes on and he started the conversation. He said, ‘I am extremely sorry about the initial response. I would never refuse a bada (customer). The fact is its almost end of daylight now and I can’t see in the night. You see – I have this cataract’.

My heart popped out! It’s a two hour drive. I’ve done some wild things in my life but have never dared drive with a blind driver. With my knees weakening and something happening in the pit of my stomach, I told him, ‘Are you sure. Do you want me to get down’. He just guffawed and carried on.

PS: Of course, I reached my destination. He took me in his car as far as the daylight allowed. Then he waved down another taxi – gave him the directions, took what was due to him and I was on my way again. Thanks to Mumbai’s ingenuity.