August 24, 2008


It's the usual routine for me, just like any other guy on the street, rather on the road. I calculate distance in terms of money, not kilometres.

You go by car - you need to fill her up. Ok - with Rs.500/-, I can manage to travel to office for a week. If I leave early and come late - else if I get caught in heavy peak hour traffic, I lose a day.

Yesterday was the day of my car's breakfast day. I filled up her, and accelerated down the lane. It was a very bad time. I saw the needle on the fuel gauge where it was before I filled her up.

I got worried - it means I need to spend more money in setting this right. The fuel gauge is important - it had better work properly.

I went straight to the garage for her check up. He asked me what the trouble was - I told that the gauge stopped working since I filled her up. He asked me how much did I fill up. I said the usual Rs.500/-.

Then the attendant revved up the engine and saw the needle. He again asked me how much I had filled. I said - Rs.500/-. He said please let me know in litres. I had look up the bill - it was 8 and odd litres. I showed him the bill.

He looked straight at me and said, "well, it is where it needs to be. It is accurately showing eight litres. - and that is how much you will get for Rs.500/-".

I so far thought I was a normal intelligent person. I never expected inflation to make that dumb - even intelligence suffers during inflation.

August 19, 2008

The whole world conspires

"When you know what you want the whole world conspires you to achieve it".

Well, that is quote from Paulo Coelho, the author for whom my daughter has taken a liking, of late. I've read a few of his books which is how she got introduced to him.

A few days ago on a Sunday, we went to a book shop where she asked me for a book by Paulo. I refused as I was not doing so good with my wallet which is pretty thin nowadays.

But then I really felt bad. She is asking for a good book. I wasn't so pleased with myself but I need to be a bit ruthless sometimes.

The next day, I was in office discussing this with a close friend of mine, also a Coelho fan. I was sharing with him how bad I felt. He asked me when was it that I refused to buy the book. I was surprised with his question, but then replied that it must have been around seven in the evening. With a gleam in his eyes he told me that he purchased a Paulo Coelho book on the very same day and at the very same time. He then quoted the famous saying.

And not just that, he finished reading the entire book in one sitting the same night reading into early morning. And of course, he was gracious in lending his book to me for my daughter.

But then this was just before we left office. The next day he would be travelling and getting the book would be delayed. I said that I would come to his house, pick up the book and give it to my daughter the same day - I just made up my mind.

After office, my friend took me to his house in his bike in a very unhurried manner. We then talked for sometime and I got hold of the book. I was thrilled.

He also dropped me back at the bus stop. It started raining. Taking a bus is a pain - taking two is a bigger pain and doing so on a cold evening during office rush hour on a rainy day is worse. I took it in my stride since I had not taken a bus in Bangalore for a long, long time.

At last, after a difficult arduous day and after four hours of misadventure with the city public transport, I reached home. I was very eager to show it to my daughter since she (and my wife) were very cross with me.

By then she had gone to bed. I did the next best thing. I kept it beside her and slept peacefully thinking I did not disappoint her - at least not for long. Paulo's quote was bearing on me heavily.

The next day morning, she saw the book, came straight to me even before brushing her teeth. I was extremely eager to hear what she had to say.

She said, 'I've already finished 'Brida' - I wanted 'Veronica decides to die'. Well, I wanted to die too.

So much for conspiracy. But then I was still a happy man because, thankfully, I did not share what I had to go through the previous day and what my friend had done for me in getting the book home.

Well - I haven't read 'Brida' - so my friend's efforts were not in vain.