June 29, 2010

Let the animal in you run free

A friend of mine recently narrated an interesting incident. 

Suppose a hungry lion chases a deer and after a long chase the deer manages to escape, what would it do.  Does the deer feel happy that it has escaped; does it feel sad because nature has made him weaker than a lion, does he feel angry and schemes to avenge his to-be killer, or does he feel jealous of the lion and dreams of becoming one.  Nothing - the deer feels nothing. He is on his way grazing and going ahead with life.

Just imagine you are the deer.  What do you feel?

Sometimes, it is better to be an animal with no such excess feelings and emotions that try to overwhelm.  It is not the extreme circumstance that overwhelms but the resultant emotions and feelings following your reaction to those circumstances. It is the reaction what makes you human or inhuman.  Extreme circumstances drive you to take extreme actions and when you are pushed - it is better to let the animal in you run free.  Once you start thinking like one, you suddenly realise you are more human.

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