July 05, 2010

Of Space and Time

One day I agreed to drop my daughter at her school, she had joined a coupe of months ago.  On the way, I had a nagging doubt and asked her which left turn I should take.  She said she was not sure as she normally took a different route.  Nevertheless I was able to read my bearings and took the correct left turn and dropped her at her school.  But not before lecturing on the need for observing landmarks, directions, improving intuitive spacial cognitive capabilities and understanding at least geographical locations.  She kept nodding her head – I hope she understood what I meant.

On my way back, I got cocky after all the discourse.  Why do I need to take the next right a good kilometre away while I can take the right turn just here.  And so I did.  Immediately I felt happy – the general direction was correct and the road was empty with cool breeze blowing across my face.  It was early morning and I started enjoying the early morning sun light.  Even a bird started calling – far removed from the other right that was soaked in diesel, congested with vehicles and paved with pot holes.

The road started meandering and I sure liked it.  Unlike other roads of Bangalore where after every half a kilometre you hit a fork with three roads with two of them one-ways, this was simple – just one road.  I started to think of the good old days of Bangalore – this is the closest I can come to.  And then I recognized something – my smile widened.  See, my sense of direction and my grasp of land marks have stood by me.  I came closer.  I sure recognized it.  It was my daughter’s school.  After three kilometres all I had done was to end up where I started.

I came back home and ate my words for breakfast.  Of course, I did not tell anyone.

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