December 20, 2005

Heart and Soul

We have heard the eternal fight between the mind and the heart. They are always on the collision course. The mind says its correct and the heart says its wrong and then you decide based on who wins in this battle. And there is no end to this battle.

You know your mind and you know your heart. You know this battle. You allow them to fight. You know who wins. It makes you happy and it makes you sad.

This battle is at a superficial level. There is another battle that rages at a more fundamental level. That is the fight between the heart and the soul.

So far in my life I could not distinguish between the heart and the soul. The common adage goes ‘heart and soul’. Are they hand in hand? Are they two different entities? I never knew.

Heart is concerned with life and soul is concerned with the life in life. Heart is the slave of soul. The heart is not aware of this and the soul is aware that the heart is not aware. As a matter of fact, my apprehension is soul is not bothered about the heart. Though the heart is subservient, he thinks that he is the Master.

The mind is influenced by the senses and influences the senses. The heart influences the mind but it may or may not be influenced by mind. The soul is the uninfluenced by either the mind or the heart. That is why it is constant and never changing. Soul’s behavior cannot be gauged at all – like saying white is very colourful.

I have never witnessed the fight between the heart and soul so far. But, I am witnessing a magnificent war waged between the two, right now. Who is going to win is a foregone conclusion but the fight itself is no less heroic than any war that has ever been fought.

My uncle is fighting for his life. He has given up on himself – the loss of his beloved has broken him emotionally. His body has given up on him. His mind has given up on him. His heart has not given up on him – is it because of the soul? His heart with steely nerves, grit and determination to survive is full of hope for himself. While his soul watches with an unattached attitude – I am not sure of this but that is what I feel. The biggest fighter is one who never fights – just watches patiently and without any show of emotions.

The soul is not bothered with life but the heart is. If this is so why is the soul keeping the heart alive? That’s a question between the heart and soul. We can only watch it – we have no control over the soul.

I only wonder – why doesn’t the soul have heart?

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