September 12, 2008


Celebrated grhapravesham (house warming ceremony yesterday of our new house). Some photos.

September 06, 2008

Ganesha 2008

This is a picture of Ganesha that I made out of clay for Ganesha Chaturthi on the 4th of September 2008.  I do this every year and this year I was joined in by a ganas of Ganapathis by the entire family.  Here are the details.

This one is by my first daughter, Shruti.  I think she has done it better than what I've done.

The preparations underway for celebrations.  That is nothing big - we just say (pray) a few slokas, offer him some food and then we eat them!

What I like about Ganesha is that He is the simplest of all the Gods, benevolent and more importantly No Fuss.  He is fond of grass,  the supposedly lowliest but life giving for the entire earth.  The flowers he likes are wild. And his vehicle is the mouse.
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August 24, 2008


It's the usual routine for me, just like any other guy on the street, rather on the road. I calculate distance in terms of money, not kilometres.

You go by car - you need to fill her up. Ok - with Rs.500/-, I can manage to travel to office for a week. If I leave early and come late - else if I get caught in heavy peak hour traffic, I lose a day.

Yesterday was the day of my car's breakfast day. I filled up her, and accelerated down the lane. It was a very bad time. I saw the needle on the fuel gauge where it was before I filled her up.

I got worried - it means I need to spend more money in setting this right. The fuel gauge is important - it had better work properly.

I went straight to the garage for her check up. He asked me what the trouble was - I told that the gauge stopped working since I filled her up. He asked me how much did I fill up. I said the usual Rs.500/-.

Then the attendant revved up the engine and saw the needle. He again asked me how much I had filled. I said - Rs.500/-. He said please let me know in litres. I had look up the bill - it was 8 and odd litres. I showed him the bill.

He looked straight at me and said, "well, it is where it needs to be. It is accurately showing eight litres. - and that is how much you will get for Rs.500/-".

I so far thought I was a normal intelligent person. I never expected inflation to make that dumb - even intelligence suffers during inflation.

August 19, 2008

The whole world conspires

"When you know what you want the whole world conspires you to achieve it".

Well, that is quote from Paulo Coelho, the author for whom my daughter has taken a liking, of late. I've read a few of his books which is how she got introduced to him.

A few days ago on a Sunday, we went to a book shop where she asked me for a book by Paulo. I refused as I was not doing so good with my wallet which is pretty thin nowadays.

But then I really felt bad. She is asking for a good book. I wasn't so pleased with myself but I need to be a bit ruthless sometimes.

The next day, I was in office discussing this with a close friend of mine, also a Coelho fan. I was sharing with him how bad I felt. He asked me when was it that I refused to buy the book. I was surprised with his question, but then replied that it must have been around seven in the evening. With a gleam in his eyes he told me that he purchased a Paulo Coelho book on the very same day and at the very same time. He then quoted the famous saying.

And not just that, he finished reading the entire book in one sitting the same night reading into early morning. And of course, he was gracious in lending his book to me for my daughter.

But then this was just before we left office. The next day he would be travelling and getting the book would be delayed. I said that I would come to his house, pick up the book and give it to my daughter the same day - I just made up my mind.

After office, my friend took me to his house in his bike in a very unhurried manner. We then talked for sometime and I got hold of the book. I was thrilled.

He also dropped me back at the bus stop. It started raining. Taking a bus is a pain - taking two is a bigger pain and doing so on a cold evening during office rush hour on a rainy day is worse. I took it in my stride since I had not taken a bus in Bangalore for a long, long time.

At last, after a difficult arduous day and after four hours of misadventure with the city public transport, I reached home. I was very eager to show it to my daughter since she (and my wife) were very cross with me.

By then she had gone to bed. I did the next best thing. I kept it beside her and slept peacefully thinking I did not disappoint her - at least not for long. Paulo's quote was bearing on me heavily.

The next day morning, she saw the book, came straight to me even before brushing her teeth. I was extremely eager to hear what she had to say.

She said, 'I've already finished 'Brida' - I wanted 'Veronica decides to die'. Well, I wanted to die too.

So much for conspiracy. But then I was still a happy man because, thankfully, I did not share what I had to go through the previous day and what my friend had done for me in getting the book home.

Well - I haven't read 'Brida' - so my friend's efforts were not in vain.

July 28, 2008


Benji opens the gate comes in and has the food offered by Shruti
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May 18, 2008


This is a question that everyday several people ask - people like you and me.

Thousands die in China due to a massive earthquake. Did those people deserve to die and die like that. Why?

A severe storm ravages Myanmar (Burma) and thousands are marooned. Why?

You can call the above events as Act of God or at best, nature's fury.

But then in Jaipur human beings planted bombs to kill other innocent human beings. Why?

And closer to home - my uncle had a neighbour - a good Samaritan, a veteran and a helpful doctor at the service of the community. My uncle and aunt, a heart patient, are old. The doctor was their only source of strength. He was always there checking up the old people every now and then - before going for his morning walks or after his return from his clinic. He spoke very gently, instilling confidence in them. When they fell sick he was there at hand, arranging for specialist doctors for emergency care, talking to surgeons personally and just talking kind words.

He was not just a doctor - he has seen life. He was in Kuwait during the war and he drove down from Kuwait to India in a Citroen car, an antique piece - a very small car. He was very fond of it. Once he even allowed me to sit in it - I considered it a great privilege.

Two weeks ago, he came out to cover his car during a quick summer shower and while crossing the road, is hit by a motorbike. He is now totally paralysed on the right hand side.

I visited him today - he recognised and smiled at me with half his face. And then he did something I will never forget in my life - with his left hand he pulled me and kissed on the cheek. He is a true human being. It was I who felt paralysed with strong emotions. Here is a man who can show the power of love when he has lost everything. And to think that I was just one of his acquaintances.

I think if I am able to show this unbridled love to another human being in such circumstances, I can die peacefully.

And somewhere down the bottom of heart I am not sure if I got the answer to the question - Why?

It is better that we don't understand a few things in life.

May 06, 2008

Varadaraja Perumal Temple, Lakshmipuram

Sridharan's family and our family with parents, drove down to Lakshmipuram
near Kuppam in Andrhra Pradesh (Take Bangalore - Chennai highway,
after Krishnagiri take second left towards Kuppam and reach Lakshmipuram
after 34km. 3km away from Lakshmipuram is another temple of Lord Srinivasa
in a village called Kanavarnapalli or Kurumuti
(temple closed by the time we went there.)

Contact L N Rangaraja Bhattar at Lakshmipuram 098858 76617 (AP) or 094494 32899 (Karnataka)
and Kiran at Srinivasa temple 099668 51676.
Varadaraja temple is over 1000 years old.
Perundevi thayar and sannadhis for Lord Krishna, Ramanuja,
Swami Desikan and all alwars are present.

A write up on the history of the temple is given below.


About Varadaraja Perumal Temple, Lakshmipuram, Near Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

I found the following material about the temple here.

However, it is possible that link may not work all the time and hence
I am reproducing the entire text and hope there is no objection.

 Lakshmipuram Agraharam though a tiny village situated
3 Km from Kuppam Railway station on the Chennai-Bangalore
Railway route sleeping all the time in the loop of a plateau
at the South western of Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh,
has been a hallowed spot for several centuries past because
of the presence of innumeral saintly and scholarly men who
have distinguished themselves by their learning and devotion
to be presiding Deity.
 The village has a rich and glorious history. Tradition has
it that the village grew into importance with the arrival of
one Sriman Chakravarthy Varadachariar swamy from Sri Mushanam
in South Arcot District who is believed to have founded the
temple in the village about 1000 years ago. The swamy is
believed to have originally installed the idol of Lord
Lakshmi-narayan Perumal
in the temple , and the village then
came to be known as Lakshmipuram.
 Ever since the shrine has been attracting hundreds of
learned and pious men like the spiritual stalwart Paramahamsa
Sriman Ranga Ramanuja swamy popularly known
as Kethanpatti Swamy,his disciple Paramahamsa Parivrajaka
Varadha Ramanuja swamy known as Sri Denkanikota swamy.
His holiness Sriman Vedantha Ramanuja Swamy known as Kodalai
Swamy, whose Brindavan is situated in the village and several
other men of God.Paramahamsa Parivrajaka swamis like Sriman
Kozhilam swamy and Sriman Thilasthanam Swamy have performed
Mangala Sasanam in the temple several times. A great bhakta,
Ammali Venkatachar Swamy
had done yeoman service to
the temple and had the rare privilege of witnessing the annual
Rathostavam over a succession of sixty years.
 Scholarly persons like Mahamaopadhya Sriman Lakshmipuram 
who adorned the court of Maharaja of
Mysore also hailed from the village. Sriman Chakravarthy
popularly known as Rajaji, the last
Governor general
of India, whose wife hailed from the
village was known to have great attachment to the village
and the temple. Eminent scientists like Prof K.Rangachar
a well known Botanist, and reputed Engineers like
M.S.Thirumalachar Iyengar swamy and a host of eminent
men were all charmed by the Divya Mangala Murthi in the temple
and settled in the village.
 The circumstances in which the present idol of Sri Prasanna 
came to be installed in the village temple
are highly romantic and fascinating.
 According to local sthala puranam, the idol of of Moolaswamy
now installed in the temple was found abandoned amidst a heep
of stone debris in a dilapidated Mandapam on the out skirts of
Gudipalli-a railway station between Jolarpetai and Bangalore
about seven miles from the village.
 It is said that once Sriman Lakshminarayachar  swamy of the
village had the vision of the deity in his dreams and while he
was upon a visit to Gudipalli on a shandy day , he wanted to
verify the reality of his dream . To his great surprise when he
came near the ruined Mandapam, he found the same idol he has
seen in his dreams protruding out of the debris. This miraculous
discovery inspired him to take steps to rehabilite the idol in
a ideal setting. Very soon the idol was installed in the village
of Lakshmipuram
according to Agama Shastraic rituals. The former
idol of Sri Lakshmi narayana Perumal had become broken-it is now,
however, known how it had been damaged- and had been deposited in
the temple pushkarni.
 Ever since the installation of the new Varadaraja Perumal 
, worship in the temple has gone on uninterruptedly
in the traditional way. The Mahants of Thirupathy,
Bezwada Sri Gopal Reddy, Ex Governor of U.P, Sriman
Madahushi Anantha Sayanam Iyengar, Ex Governor of
Bihar and other eminent devout persons have all beeen
struck alike by the singularly attractive form of both
the Moolaswamy and the Utsava Murthys .
 The Moolavigraha Murthy is carved out of a shining, black shila about
six feet in height with Chatrubujam shanku,chakram,Gadha and Abhayaastham.
Though the Divyamangala Murthy is that of Varadarajaperumal
as in Kanchipuram, there are unlike in kanchipuram , the Divya
mangala Murthis of Ubhaya Nachimars also in the Garbhagriham.
This peculiar feature, it is believed , is due to the fact that the original
Murthy was that of Sri Lakshminarayan perumal and that the
name of the village is Lakshmipuram.
 As one stands before the extraordinarily  beautiful and graceful 
Mangala Murthis
, one is thrown into ecstacy. The mystical
experience leaves an abiding influence on the devoties. One is almost
tempted to say as Madurai Kavi Alwar said of Sri Ranganatha of Srirangam
kangal Mattruonnai kanave.
  Sometimes after the installation of the Moola Murthy tradition has
it that the Utsava Murthis were consecrated at Kanchipuram and
brought to village. That is why the local Utsava Diety is onown as
KanchiVaradaraja Swami. Like the Moola Vigraha Murthis, the
are also by a rare piece of coincidence , equally
enchanting and exquistitely charming. Later in 1927 Utsava Murti
bigger in size but charming like the ones originally installed were
 The temple originally consisted of a small enclosed   Mantapam.
In the center there is a Garbagriha with in a vimanam over it.
On the northern side of the Garbagriha there was Perundevi Thayar
and on the southern side there was the Alwars-Acharyas Sannidhi.
Around the inner Mandapam there was a open prakaram.
About sixty years ago , Sri NIGAMANTHA Mahadesikan Sannidhi
was buily by one Sriman Tirupattur Ramaswamy Tatacharya swamy
and the same time a sannidhi for Udayavar was built opposite it.
The prakaram in front of these Sannidhis was covered with the contribution
made by the family of Vakil Gomatam Sriman Srinivasa Iyengar Swami
in memory of his wife Srimathi Laksmi Ammal.
 Then the temple rapidly developed with an untiring efforts and
exemplary zeal of Sriman Chakravarthy Bhashyakachar Swami
who acted as the Managing Trustee of the temple for nearly 25 years.
During his tenure perundevi Thaya sannidhi were built in the prakaram
which was also completely covered. A majestic Rajagopuram or Gali
was put up at the entrance of the temple with the assistance of
Advocate Sriman P.Doraiswamy Iyengar Swami of Cuddalore and
others. Aspacious matapam was built in the rear of the temple for the
performance of Thadiyaradhanas with the assistance of Sriman Agaram
Doraiswamy Iyengar Swami, a great bhakta and a Engineer and Contractor
of Bangalore who also rendered great service as the Managing Trustee
of the temple for nearly 10 years. The ancient choultry in the village
was revovated with the contribution made by a prominent citizen
and an eminent Advocate Sriman L.S.Raju whose grand fathers
BRINDAVAN (that of Kodalai Swamy near the village)
used to be a center of great attraction.
 Sriman Chakravarthy Bhasyakachar Swami otherwise known as
Chinnumama was also responsible for the construction of Sri Kannan
, kannadi matapam, vahana matapam, Ganganna Mantapam, Mukha
matapam ,yagashala, Madapalli.
 The vimanam over the Garbha Griham was renovated by the efforts
of Sriman Midde Gopalachar Swamy, a distinguished devotee who
was Managing Trustee of the Temple.
 he village also needs a choultry as well as a kalyana Mantapam with
modern convenience to accommodate the large number of pilgrims
who visit the temple through out the year and particularly during the annual
Brahmotsavam festival period. The Brahmotsavam festival is the
biggest and most important event in the village. This is celebrated
in the month of Vaisakam with great enthusiasm and devotion.
All the villagers who had gone out of the village in search of livelihood
gather on the occasion , enjoy the utsavam and fell supremely happy .
Year after year , the festival has grown in importance and
has been attracting larger and larger crowds of devotees.
 Thadiyaradhanai kaimkaryam was started about 75 years ago on a
small scale during the utsavam of Swami Nighamanta Maha Desikan
by the family of Sriman A.R.Doraiswamy Iyengar . Later Thadiyaradhanai
kaimkaryam was organized over a period of seven days during annual
Brahmotsavam when thousands of swami were fed day and night.
This kaimkaryam has become significant part of the Brahmotsavam festival
and has steadily grown over the years. The Kayamkaryam is performed
by several bkaktas with great devotion and enthusiasm.
 Several scholars versed in the vedhas and Divya Prabhandhams attend
the festival in ever increasing numbers and lend great sanctity to the festival.
Undoubtedly in the years to come the village is bound to become in an ever
increasing measure a great spirutial and religious center, a center of attraction for all
Asthikas, a refuge for all those who seek spirutial conforts and inspiration.
The village situated in the vicinity of Bangalore enjoys a saluttrious claimate
and has great potentialities for development as a popular health resort and
as a great pilgrimage center.
 Description of the temple:
 As one passes the Gopuram and enters the Dwajasthambantapam
one can see on the right side the Nighamanta Mahadesikan Sannidhi
and on the left the Uddayar Sannidhi.
 In the outer prakarm beyond the Dwajasthambam as one can see the
Perundevi Thayar Sannidi. After passing it reaches the Andal Sannidi.
And then enters the Garuda Mantapam. In the inner Mantapam there is
on the right side the Kannan Sannidi and on the left the Sannidi of
Nammalwar and Kaliyan. In the interior there is the Garbhagriham
where one can have the delightful darshan of Varadaraja Perumal and Ubaya Nachimars.
 Utsavams: Chitrai Masam: Thiru Avathara Utsavam of Sri Varadar Chitra Hastham . 
Utsavam is celebrated for 10 days .Sattumurai falls on Thiru Arudra.
 Vaikasi: Nammalvar Utsavam is celebrated for 10 days.
Sattumurai falls on Visakam. Brahamotsavam also falls in this month.
It is celebrated over a period of 10 days. Ankurarpanam is conducted on
Hastha and Therthavari (Avabaratham ) falls on Sravanam .
Garudotsavam is celebrated on the 3 rd day as in Kanchipuram.
Rathotsavam falls on the seventh day.
 Ani: Ani Garudotsavam is celebrated on Swathi day.
  Adi: Adi Garudotsavam is celebrated on the pournami day.
Also Andal Utsavam is celebrated for 10 days .
Satturamurai falls on Tiruvadipuram.
 Avani: Thiru Kannan Utsavam commences on Sri Jayanthi day.
On 11 th day , Satturmurai is celebrated.
 Paratasi: Nigamanta Maha Desikan Swamy Utsavam commences on Hastha.
Thirthavary falls on 10 th day of Sravana. On 9 th day , Rathostavam is celebrated
The Utsavara Murthy is believed to be as sacred as the
at Thiruvahindipuram near Cuddlore.
 Karthigai: Kaliyan Utsavam is performed for 10 days .
Sattumurai takes place on Krithigai.
Special Deeparadhanam is performed through out the month by devotees.
is also conducted in the month of Karthikam.
 Margazhi : In the early morning, Dhanurmasa  Aradhanam is performed through out the month.
From the Vaikunta Ekadasi day,Rapathu Utsavam is performed for 10 days in the nights.
Alwar Moksham falls on the 10 th day.
Nirattal Utsavam and Andal Kalyana Utsavam are also conducted.
Thiruppavai Discourses are also arranged during the month.
Utsavams are also performed on Sri Rama Navami day, Chitra Pournami,
Ugadhi, Deepavali, Panguni Utharam Utsavam.

Utsavam are also specially arranged as and when Baktas come forward to perform them.
All the utsavams and Thadiyaradhanas are conducted by the contributions of Bhaktas .
The then youths of Lakshmipuram under the leadership of
Sri C.Varadarajan (Founder Secretary) established LAKSHMIPURAM
in the year 1969 with contribution of one rupee from every
member every month towards Life membership. This Sabha was assisting
the temple authorities in performing annual Brahmotsavam and also
helping by making the various vahanams .
The youths of the village have formed a NEW YEAR COMMITTEE,
they organize the celebration on 1 st January every year where in devotees
of this magnificent temples have the first darshan of God .
Devotees irrespective of cast and creed throng theis temple and seek the blessings of the deity.
The temple chariot was  built originally for the performance of
Nigamantha Maha Desikan in the month of purattasi. The Ratham was
made with the generous contribution of one Ramanuja Dasan of Karaikudi
under instruction from his guru His Holiness Sri Ranga RAMANUJA Maha Desikan.
There is no Ratham for Varadaraja Perumal even today. But the Swamy 
is used for celebrating the Rathostavam of the perumal .
More over , this Ratham condition was in dilapidated condition.
This Ratham was completely rebuilt under the able guidance and
support of Lakshmipuram Sabha in the year 1998.
Vahanams: Garudavahanam, Seshavahanam, GajaVahanam and Aswavahanam 
were are all made of brass. The Simhavahanam, Hamsavahanam, and
Hanumanthavahanam were made of wood and were badly damaged.
These Vahanams along with Yalivahanam were subsequently made of
brass with the assistance and guidance of Lakshmipuram Sabha.
 Adequate resources were mobilized by the temple authorities  over
the years for performing Nithyapadi Kainkaryam. Today the temple
authorities are able to manage adequately with the resources for performing

Nithyapadi with out any stoppage.
The Temple authorities  have carried out certain repair work of Madipalli
with the able assistance from Endowment board. The temple authorities
have repaired the Dashavatharam and a face lift was provided.
 The Lakshmipuram Sabha has also under taken the noble task of
Renovation of Temple Rajagopuram in the year 2003.
 Sri Sri Ranga Priya Swamy of Bangalore had graced the occasion of Samprokshane. 
Aradhanam in the temple is performed in accordance with
Pancharatra Agamashastra. Nitya Thirvaradhana was being conducted
by Sri LATE Kuppa Bhattar, and after him was conducted
by Sri Late Lakshminarayan Bhattar and also for more than 75 years
by Sri L.N.Varadaraja Bhattar ,son of Late Sri Lakshminarayana Bhattar.
The temple fallows Nigamantha Mahadesikans sampradhaya.
The temple since its inception has been according Mudal Tirumalai
and Thiruparivattam Mariyadhai to The Thirumalai Nallan Chakravarthy
Swamy and the second Mariyadhai to the Tirumalai Thatachariar Swamis.
In order to perform annual Brahmotsavam in grand and befitting
manner the devotees of this temple decided to form a Brahmotsavam
committee and later on the formation of Lakshmipuram Sri Prasanna
Varadarajaswamy Brahmotsavam
committee Trust (Regd). This trust
with office bearers and board of Trustees are performing the Brahmotsavam
year after year in more orderly and transparent manner since 1995.
 Some of the Salient features of the Trust are 
To assist  and see that the annual Brahmotsavam in the temple is
conducted in an appropriate manner
To extend financial  assistance towards the deficit of Brahmotsavam
To enroll as many members as possible as Patrons ( Rs 1010/-) 
 To extend other financial assistance to the temple depending upon
the improvement of the temple.
 To under take other Socio-religious activities connected to with the temple in the village. 
 And to have clear transparency in all the activities of the Trust. 
  This Trust has taken the task of launching this website with an
intention to propagate the glory of Lakshmipuram Varadarajaswamy
and unite all the devotees and decedents of this village periodically.
 May Lord Narayana Shower his blessings on one and all
Office Address:
Sri S.Ravikumar
No 81, BHEL Officers Layout, SRK Garden
Jayanagar, BANGALORE 560 011, INDIA.
Phone 080-26651954

May 05, 2008

Summer Bath

Kuttimma, Sudarshan & Swati enjoying a summer bath with a bucket of water

April 20, 2008

The Biggest Star

The Biggest Star, originally uploaded by Madhav13.

Swati says that Sun is the biggest star. But Kuttima does not agree. Swati draws and shows that the Sun is the biggest star. Kuttima says that there are several such suns which are bigger. Swati is not amused - she comes and asks me. I say that Sun is the biggest star in our world.

April 19, 2008

Turbo Auto Show - Saujas

Saujas, Sridhar's (my co brother) son, is a child prodigy. He has an exceptional talent, sharpness , memory and aesthetics - all about anything that moves on four wheels. Not the toy type - the real ones.

He can recognize any car any model any make that moves on the road today. He can reel off the specifications of the car, tell you the merits and demerits. He can tell you which type of car is good for what type of road conditions and driving requirements. My brother in law recognised this and has given a gift of a year's subscription to a magazine on cars. He is getting better day by day. This also has enabled him to read the magazines flawlessly and make meaning out of it - and Saujas is all of 7 years old.

Like his father, he also has a keen sense of getting things organised. A year ago he had a fad on yo yos and organised an International Yo yo Academy.

This time of summer, he has organised a Turbo Auto Show. It was toy cars show and he did not assume anything at all just because they were toys. As usual his attention to detail is unparalleled. The show included special invites, time to show up and where. The exhibits were classified (bikes, cars) and labels and instructions to viewers. Cars not in top conditions or broken [by him] were categorised under 'Service' - complete with a tool kit. At the end was the feedback form.

It was a great show, Saujas. We all look forward to attending many more such real shows in future from you.

April 04, 2008

Ho Don't worry

Ho! Don't worry, originally uploaded by Madhav13.

This is Swati's creation. Lord Vishnu on the five headed snake Adisesha. Godess Lakshmi is at the bottom with Sage Narada - as per Swati - the long haired muni. A bhakta is under the spell of Narayana giving the message 'Ho don't worry'. The entire universe is behind.

She has written the message 'Ho don't worry' on her own and was never told about the message of Bhagavad Gita by anybody - 'Maa Shuchaha' which means don't worry.

Sarva dhamaan parithyajya maam ekam sharanam vraja|
Aham tvaa sarva papebhyo mokshayishaami maa shuchaha ||
- Bhagavad Gita - chapter 18 verse 66*

How did she ever write is something I can never imagine and I have not bothered to ask. Children the simple message with heavy import so very easily.

When are we going to be children?

* I was also reminded of a story of the great acharya Mukkoor Lakshminarasimhacharya. The story goes -

A lazy student wants to learn the crux of Hindu Philosophy.

The teacher asks him to read the vedas. The student says that vedas are unending and difficult to understand. So teacher him to read the Mahabharatha, where the teachings of all vedas are contained. The student says that it contains 100000 verses and difficult to digest. The teacher then asks the student to read the Bhagavad Gita, a part of Mahabharatha and the gist of entire vedas. The student says that even the 18 chapters of Bhagavad Gita are way too many. Then the teacher says that he can read just the eighteenth chapter. The student is lazy even to read the 18th chapter which contains the words uttered by the Lord Himself and asks the teacher to reduce it further. The teacher that he needs to learn only one verse - the 66th verse of chapter 18. The student then says that the verse contains two lines which are one too many for him. Then the teacher tells the student to learn just the two words from the 66th verse of chapter 18 which is a gist of Bhagavad Gita which is a gist of Mahabharatha which is a gist of all the vedas put together and the gist of the entire philosophy of Hinduism and those two words are - 'Maa Shuchaha' - don't worry. The lazy student goes back a happy man having learnt the the entire Hindu Philosophy.

March 29, 2008

Bus Stop

Bus Stop 28032008-1, originally uploaded by Madhav13.

Bus Stop by Swati. You can see a girl waiting at the bus stop with a red roof. A couple of buses on the road facing a block of apartments.

March 25, 2008

We Five

We Five, originally uploaded by Madhav13.

This is a rare photo of the five brothers one of whom, I had the good fortune of having as my father in law (second from right - Sri. Lakshmi Kumaran)

March 24, 2008


Sudarshan-comic, originally uploaded by Madhav13.

Sudarshan, my nephew, has the unique capability to down the internet under two minutes. Sometimes much less. No one knows how he manages that.

Here is an attempt to depict him with a bit of photoshop touch to give it a retro comic look.

Have a try here.

To Meat the Sun

Posted by Picasa
On the left hand side are father (me) and Shruti (the elder daughter) and on the right hand side are mother and the younger daughter (the artist). All of them are going to meet the sun just beyond the hills.

March 21, 2008

Sick of Hospitals

I hate hospitals. Who doesn't, except for those whose livelihood depend on hospitals. I hate the smell, the spartan atmosphere and the sombre mood. It is one place where the familiar words - 'How are you' takes an entirely different meaning.

And sometimes, there is humour. Here goes.

There was this guy who is from a neighbouring village. He was gored by a bull straight through his body. Writhing in pain, he is admitted to a hospital in Bangalore. The entire village is praying right outside the hospital with about 10-15 people trying to see if there is any progress every 15 minutes.

The doctor decides to operate on him the next day afternoon. The patient is very glad he is getting the attention he deserves and basks in the glory. Inspite of the deep trouble he is sporty and has a smile for every well wisher who comes in.

The doctor advises him what he needs to do and what he is not supposed to do in great detail. And one of the things was that he should not eat anything next day until the operation is over.

The attendants prepare him for the operation and just before 2 O'Clock they arrive to wheel him to the operation theatre. While going the doctor asks, "You seem to be cheerful. I like brave people. Hope you had a calm morning". The patient replied. "Yes. I had a nice morning, Bless my wife, who brought in my favourite dish, Masala Dosa. It was sumptuous - especially before the operation."

I would have expected the chewed up masala dosa to spew out of his back. But that is a different story.

They wheel him right back to the ward. The doctor was furious. The patient never understood why the doctor was angry.

Just the way he never understood why the bull gored him.

(As told by my dear friend).

March 16, 2008

Take it from me

Yesterday, I returned from yet another trip to Mumbai. As usual I started off the conversation with the auto driver to beat the traffic jam boredom. He was knowledgeable on all the latest cars that were passing by. He talked about intricate details of cars - this car has 8 cylinders, what cars were popular in which part of the world and so on. He said he gained knowledge on vehicles while he served as a driver in Saudi Arabia for 15 years.

I asked him why he took to driving auto after making money abroad for 15 years. He said that he lost the money over the last three years. He never gave me a direct answer. He said, "Please take it from me, give your woman only the money she needs - never all that you have".

As I was getting down, he said that he has plans to return to Saudi - not for a moment regretting that he had lost the money. He said he is happy he still has a woman who supports him through the years of separation - regardless what she may have done to protect his interests.

As I left I noted that I had forgotten to ask his name.

Who says relationships have died in India. This is the land of paradox.

March 15, 2008

No Child's Play

Bhuri Kalbi 33 Rajasthan delivers baby on tracks

The other day I read an unbelievable piece of news.  A woman travelling by train attends to the nature's call.  There she accidentally delivers a premature baby.  The baby falls down the toilet chute of the running train.  She faints and when she regains consciousness, alerts her people on the train who stop the train and run back.  They find the baby alive.

On the other hand, I had a relative of mine who was pregnant.  She had the best of medical attention possible in the city.  Everything was fine and the date of delivery was just days away. The father is reassured that the baby is fine - he even listens to heartbeat.  The next day morning she delivers a still born - no reason.  The baby is just dead.

Now is this Survival of the Fit? Or is it some quirk of fate? Or is it just that it happens. 

March 09, 2008

Sripuram Narayani Temple

From Ambur, we reached Sripuram, the now famous Golden Temple of Narayani.

I have never seen a temple which evokes such strong reactions. It is positively opulent. It is ostentatious whereas most temples in India reflect austerity. Glazed granite, golden pillars and the dazzling lights leaves you not speechless but dumbfounded. Other temples make you fall silent.

The circumambulation path, is not square or circular but star shaped.

I was just wondering how anyone who enters this temple with fountains and pleasure evoking contraptions could instil a sense of bhakti and humility. Pictures of the man - however great he may have been in constructing this temple - he is still a man - not to be placed alongside Gods/Godesses.

I was just fuming and then had the darshan from 15 feet away even though we had paid a hefty Rs.100/- as entrance ticket.

Then I saw a villager, who normally gets more awed than us city dwellers, just praying there - no dazzling lights, no opulence and no amount of gold could deter him from praying.

So it is not what outside or in the temple that counts. What counts is what you have in you - that is bhakti.

I came out totally humbled from this extraordinary temple, just as I come out of any temple. Better learned and even more humbled.

I am a more chastisised person now.

Refer Wikipedia for more info on this place.

Just see a pic gleamed off the net.

Peria Anjaneyar Temple, Ambur

Ambur-Sripuram Mar 2008
Today we visited the Peria Anjaneyar Temple in Ambur. I and Sridharan, along with families set out in the afternoon and reached there by evening.

The temple is situated amidst the bustle of a small industrial town. Once you enter the temple you are transported to a different world altogether. Serene, quiet and calm.

This temple was built way back in the 15th century during Krishna Deva Raya's rule.

The sthala puranam (history of the temple) is very interesting.

While fighting the demon Ravana to take back the abducted Sita, Lakshmana, brother of Rama is injured in the battle hurt by a missile from Ravana's son. Jambhavan, the bear Advisor, says that he can be rescued by a herb called Sanjeevani. Hanuman is sent back to India to bring the herb. Hanuman sets out to the Himalayas, finds the hill where the herb grows but cannot recognise it. He uproots the entire mountains and returns. Meanwhile, Sukracharya, Ravana's Guru and the preceptor for all Rakshasas (demons) says that he needs to be stopped from returning. Ravana, sends Saturn one of the nine enslaved planets who form the nine steps to his throne to stop Hanuman. Sani (Saturn) accosts Hanuman. Hanuman asks Sani the reason for stopping him from returning. Sani says that he is now under the rule of Ravana and has come to stop Hanuman from proceeding to Sri Lanka. Hanuman places the entire mountain on Sani who is unabe to bear the weight. Sani surrenders. Hanuman then lifts the mountain and crushes Sani under his foot. Sani requests for forgiveness. Hanuman does so under the conditions that Sani is not to impede anyone's path who chants Rama's name. Hanuman then returns to Sri Lanka with herb and rest of the story is known. The temple idol of Hanuman here is in the posture of crushing Sani Bhagawan under his foot.

Since this is a ugra stance, nearby is another idol of Hanuman so that people can worship Him.

The temple tower contains some extremely beautiful scupltures of the Raya dynasty.

One can light lamps depending on the constellation to obtain peace and prosperity.

We saw the temple cow and calf - they appeared to be more peaceful than most people we see on the streets.

We also saw some students praying for a successful completion of their exams coming up just round the corner.

Have a look at some material on the net here.

The temple has website, but then I was not able to view it today.

February 29, 2008

Babu Culture

'Babu Culture' roughly translates to bureaucracy. 'Babu' commonly refers to a clerk in Government Offices in India. More importantly this refers to the practice - a vestige of the British Legacy that we are finding it hard to shed. Unknowingly sometimes we even nurture it to absurd lengths.

Here is a sample:

There is a typical city in India where most of the people work in the offices who come to their place of work from neighbouring towns and villages. Babugiri (bureaucracy) dictates that all workers arrive for work in time . Sometimes, if trains by which most workers commute, are delayed the whole lot of workers get delayed to work.

However babu culture does not accept delays unless there is a written proof for being late. The culture has built in a scheming way by which if a train is delayed the Station Master issues a note affixed with the official rubber stamp of the station, the date and time, the name and number of train that got delayed and the length of delay itself. Delays are accepted only when such notes are produced by the workers to their management.

There is a small procedural problem. If a train gets delayed by, say 20 minutes, about 200 people in the train have to stand in a queue to get the note from the Station Master. Most of the people spend close to an hour or more standing in queue, so that their 20 minute delays are accepted. You imagine the total delay time if multiple trains are delayed.

The whole India works on this Babu Culture whereas the people who taught us this culture have learnt their lessons. We still thrive on Babudom. Long Live Babus.

The story is about 10-15 years old in the eastern part of India as retold by a friend of mine and is unverified. But several practices like this still continue in India.

February 23, 2008

Shoe Polish

I have a friend of mine. However, I don't like him. He can do something that I can never manage to do. He can keep his shoe shining and sparkling, throughout the day and day after day after day. You can never spot him with a blot in his shoe. It is not just one but both the shoes are spotless.

I feel very jealous of such people. Either they do something that I can never manage to do in my life or they do not do something that I do with my shoes.

If you are a guy who can see a small stone while you walk and have no impulse to kick you are the nerd with a spotless shoe.

If you can see a small pool of water on the road and get no inclination to splash it all over you can go ahead and have a spotless shoe.

If you can see a tree that just about snares you into believing you cannot climb it and you actually don't climb it, you can have a spotless shoe.

If you can see dust carefully heaped up by your neighbour and you still go on without jumping all over it, please have your spotless shoes on. I like it specially after polishing your shoes with a brilliant shine on the way to school on a Monday morning. It is also the best time to make your neighbour go crazy and to return the shoes to its original glory. Never mind the stern warnings from your school monitors.

If you can see fresh cow dung and walk right past without knowing if there are worms in there or not, spotless shoes are for you.

If you can compare others' shoe and you do not take pride in taking satisfaction that your's is the most worn out pair, spotless shoes are for you.

If you do not enjoy walking in soggy shoes, spotless shoes like you.

The greatest joy I get is when I am able to see my toes through the front of the shoe.

It is time for my father to get me a new pair of spotless shoe.

February 01, 2008

Water, Water

There is a wonderful town called Nanjangud - a town endowed with God's bounty. Lush, green and people happy with reaping the benefits of the land.

Just as any other place - once it fell into degeneration due to over exploitation and drought. One summer people started experiencing the cruelty of nature. It continued for the next few years and then it became really acute. The once harmonious people started getting angry, frustrated and demoralised. Their crops withered, the town's embellishments worn out, the town began sporting haggard looks.

The people gathered, thought it over and concluded that the Town Municipality has to resolve the issue and bring back the town to normalcy.

First a few people petitioned the Municipal Chief for water. After a few months they realized this was not going to work and intensified their agitation.

All the town elders formed a big group of the entire town and went to the Town Municipality Chief's residence to represent the matter.

When they reached the house, it looked forlorn. The chief's palatial house, once a pride of the town, looked deserted. No neatly trimmed bushes; No flowering plants and all fruit bearing trees bereft of even leaves. It seemed lonely.

Town elders took the long walk along the pathway and reached the entrance. The house seemed to be devoid of life. The Chief's mother was sitting at the threshold staring at the void.

The people's representative asked, "Salutations to you, Mother. May we see the Chief".

Mother replied, "May God bless you, son. May I know the purpose of your visit".

Representative said, "Mother - We need a solution to the acute water problem that we the town people are facing. We want the Chief to provide a solution at the earliest".

Mother pointed to backyard and said, "Go, son. You may meet the Chief at the backyard. He is drawing water from the almost dried well. He is planning how deep he has to dig further to draw water for the next year. I would suggest you do the same. We cannot change nature and it is better to plan and take action to alleviate the suffering".

And the people returned without meeting the Chief. All of them were puzzled as to why the biggest issue for the people a few moments ago was no longer there.

This happened many, many years ago and the town now is back to it's days of glory.

A real life incident as told by my dear friend Shashidharan A N.

January 19, 2008

I will start a Travel Agency

Today's trip back from office was a surprise. I was waiting for an auto when a taxi came in. Waiting for a negative response I told I would pay Rs.100/- - the auto rate. Surprise, Surprise, he agreed. And then I started. Here is his story.

He appeared to be in his mid 30s. But then he's been driving for 24 years now. He looks much younger than he is.

I am Balu. I've been driving since '84. I have driven all kinds of vehicles. I am doing an Ambassador now.

I am uneducated. I am extremely conscious of this and with a vengeance I have tried to be better. Because I am uneducated I have no bad habits. Perhaps that is reason you feel I appear younger that what I actually am.

I have two sons. The eldest one is 22. He works for a Bank. ICICI - Nungambakkam. He is in charge of marketing. He finishes his job by afternoon and later he does insurance work for Bajaj. He is always in meetings and returns home only after 1 am. He always wanted to work for a bank. He gets enough money. He has a power steering car. He drives it himself to work. He is a good boxer. He builds his body and he has lots and lots of medals. The house is filled with cups and medals. He studies very well. I was able to educate him till 10th and after that he did everything over correspondence. He is always the first or second. Third is ok but he gets tensed if he is not within the first three. What is life if you are not at the top.

The younger one is zero is studies. He is studying for cinema direction. He always keeps watching movies. He does not allow anyone to sleep peacefully. He watches a lot of english movies and says this is the angle from which it should have been shot. I have allowed him to follow his dreams.

Both of them have grown with their own efforts. I am nothing.

I cooked my lunch today as I do everyday. My wife is ill. She is a mental case. She wants buildings and houses. For what I earn we can afford to eat peacefully three times a day and that is enough for me but not for her. But I take care of her.

I will open a travel agency very soon. I will have three cars - Indica, Ford Ikon and a Mitsubishi Lancer. All AC.

January 12, 2008

Life Goes On

Talk with auto drivers in Mumbai and Chennai during December 2007 and early 2008.

Mumbai December 2007

Suresh drives an own auto. In mid 20s he is excited with his vehicle and leads a care free life.

He is from a village near Sangli. He and his family shifted to Mumbai a long time ago. He bought an auto a couple of years ago. Since they lived in a shanty without ration card – he had to go in for a auto loan from a private money lender and not a bank. He took about Rs.60,000.00 as loan and repaying Rs.5,000.00 a month for three years. However, he is not displeased.

He spends all the extra money he gets on the auto. He has bought a cassette player a year ago with woofer and two speakers costing him Rs.5,500.00. This makes it difficult to find space for some luggage at the rear of the passenger seat, but music is more important for him. He brings out a new cassette almost daily. He is proud but says his next idea is to replace the cassette player with a CD player.

His is not yet married and his parents are unhappy with him because he spends a lot on the auto.He leads a hand to mouth existence living in deplorable conditions. After paying for the loan and the cassette he has anything hardly left to eke out a living. The airport is expanding the authorities have already issued notice for vacating the shanty. They would be provided with an accommodation outside the city.

Suresh is happy with himself.